Easter holidays have once again certified the recovery of post-covid tourism in Torroella de Montgrí and L’Estartit with more tourists and more inquires both at L’Estartit Tourism Office and the Torroella de Montgrí Tourist information point. Between March 27th and April 16th there were 1,700 inquiries, almost 400 more than last year; and an occupation of 51% in hotels of the municipality that were open. 3% more than the previous year.
With regard to the occupation of the tourist establishments in the municipality, the Catalan Holy Week, from Holy Monday to Easter Sunday, had the highest occupation, reaching 74% in the case of hotels, 22% in the case of campsites and 68% in the case of tourist apartments.
In terms of inquiries, the Estartit Tourism Office has responded to 1,836, of which 1,721 were face-to-face, 70 by telephone and 45 via Social Networks. The Catalan local visitor is still the destination’s main customer with 772 inquiries, followed by the French with 569, the Spanish with 187 and the German with 120.
This situation is more or less the same at the Tourist Information Point of Torroella de Montgrí where the Catalan visitor is clearly the predominant one with 424 enquiries, followed by the French with 150. In the case of this space, located at the Museum of the Mediterranean, they attended 674 inquiries, 135 more than last year.