Nature has been generous and abundant with the richness of the land and territory. Mountains, valleys, gardens, rivers, wetlands, beaches, dunes and islands converge in a single space.
Landscapes are beautiful and natural, offering cultural diversity that allow their discovery
by land, sea and air.
The fact that Torroella has the largest area,
confirms the beauty of its surroundings and the
growing interest of the municipality to protect a
beloved and unique landscape.
Respect for the natural environment and the land is the result from the people who have built close ties through their interaction with the environment, but also interpreted through stories and anecdotes told by past generations. The figure of nature is the instrument that guarantees the perpetual maintenance of the relationship between man and land.
The Montgrí Natural Park, the Medes Islands and the Baix Ter obtained, at the end of 2016, the prestigious European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, awarded by the EUROPARC Federation