L’Estartit still has some natural beaches, which are very scarce and form a marvellous landscape that provides a home for very special fauna and flora. Actions are carried out to conserve the sand dunes which effectively protect the beach against the effects of climate change.
In order to find a balance between the conservation of natural beaches and human activities, the dunes are managed throughout the year.
In summer, rope fences are installed to protect the natural dunes, where we find plants and animals that do not live anywhere else, like the Kentish plover, a bird that nests in the sand and is in danger of extinction. It is important not to walk on the restricted zone and not to step on the dunes.
In winter, cane barriers are installed to retain the sand and help the dunes to grow. These dunes prevent the winter storms from sweeping the sand off the beach.
The natural beaches are also home to some very special animals like the Kentish plover, a bird that nests in the sand between April and June, and very specific plants like the sea lily, which withstands the hot, dry summers on the beach very well. There are also many herring gulls and northern lapwings.